1. 2. 3. Beauty Salon Dimensions, Make-Up Studio | Grayburn 4. 5.


Beauty Salon Dimensions, Make-Up Studio

I visited the Beauty Salon Dimensions, a trade show for those in the beauty and cosmetics industry a few weeks back. The show was held in Utrecht, a charming part of the Netherlands known for the restaurants that line the edges of the city's main canal.

The show itself saw an enormous number of visitors and I was bowled over by the amount of exhibitors there. I saw heavy traffic especially in Make-Up Studio and Opi's show areas. All exhibitors at the show offered some sort of discounts and most offered products at almost bulk purchase prices. I should have known that I would come back with my hands full and should have brought my luggage with me to hold all the goodies I purchased.

The Make-Up Studio is a line of makeup designed for professional makeup artists by a small group of makeup artists. Their products are priced very competitvely and sold at almost half the price as MAC. Their wide variety of eye, lip and face colors as well as the huge line of brushes allow professionals to let loose and get creative with colors. The eye shadows come in vivid color choices and in very fine, blendable textures. They also come in a variety of textures such as matte, lumiere, frost, shiny, aqua, and glimmer.

If I had to mention all the products they offer to fill our makeup and skincare kits, I would run out of breath. So instead, here are pictures to demonstrate what I purchased.

20-pan Empty makeup palette, Eyeshadow refill pans, Cream Foundation Professional (in the center). I concentrated on colors that are not commonly found in drugstores and department stores. I wanted to add more matte colors to my current eyeshadow collection as well.

20 Empty makeup palette filled with eyeshadow refill pans. The purple one (the furthest on the right, second row from the top) is an Aqua shadow that is activated by water and not dry swatchable. The tropical water color in the center of the four shadows is a luminous shadow that reminds me of mineralized shadows from MAC. Its shape doesn't allow it to fit inside this flat compact but another that allows the shadow's domed shape.

A list of Make-Up Studio's international distributors can be found at: http://www.make-upstudio.nl/distributors1.html
Credit: Grayburn (Terms of Use)
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_+*Ælitis*+_ said...

There is no colour missing, oh lord :)

Beijo meu ♥,

A Elite

Unknown said...

I love all those colors.

Tricia said...

half the price of mac? and those gorgeous colors? want it.

Anonymous said...

the picture of the new collection of yours, is gorgeous! it makes me want bright and pretty colours :P

LadyBird said...

do you know if they are available in north america?

LadyBird said...

hey thanks for replying. :) sorry about the confusion, with the blogs