1. 2. 3. The Comforter, my comforter | Grayburn 4. 5.


The Comforter, my comforter

Christmas is next week! Feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement, I am again unprepared this time around. I am not very good with handling the stress that comes with festivities even if I absolutely love them once they are here. The prepping, planning, counting number of heads, getting to the store in time, ordering the right turkey, getting cards out on time....oops, sorry for stressing you too!

My personal remedy:

You might have noticed that food related bath products have been playing a part in my beauty routine. The story behind this is this and because of this. I have somewhat rediscovered them again after a long time of avoiding them.

The thing is, we eat food everyday. We are very comfortable with the way they taste and smell to us and, we have lots of experience identifying the components that make up our favorite dish. So that is why I find the simplicity of edible scents comforting and unassuming. Given that there is a good concentration of real food ingredients in a bath product, there is usually not a lot of guess work involved when trying to decipher the different components in it.

What I love about The Comforter Bubble Bar from Lush (see picture above) is that the instant you put your nose to it, you know that it contains some sort of edible berry. Upon closer inspection and a few more breaths in, you might identify that the berry is cassis (also known as blackcurrant). Lush has chosen the right berry to use in this bubble bar. While I often find berries such as strawberries or raspberries too 'innocent', the deepness of the cassis is suitable for use when one wants to drift off in a bath. Its bright fuchsia color brings something feminine and fun to bath time as well, while a splash of bergamot oil lends just a hint of maturity and mystery to the formula. This is a great bubble bar to use alone or share with another as it is not overly sweet (BFOG-approved). Plus, I find sitting in a bath full of pink hued water and lots of luxurious bubbles comforting indeed (hence, the name of Lush's bubble bar).

This 7oz. bar will be good for 6 baths and guarantees long-lasting, fluffy bubbles. Lovely!

I am curious what you like in your bath. Which scents do you like when?

Credit: Grayburn (Terms of Use)

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La Belette Rouge said...

I like the freshness of mint scents. I also like relaxing blends that have a herbaceous scent. Nothing too sweet or foody in my tub. I might pick up a little bath tub treat. I could use some tub comfort. Thanks for the inspiration.xoxo

Grayburn said...

Hi La Belette Rouge, I love mint as well but in hot water as a tea with a little honey. I'm glad to hear that this has inspired you to do a little pampering!

x Grayburn

Lily said...

i loooove spicy smells like cinnamon, chai, pumpkin... they are to die for! i've been thinking about getting some lush products lately. i've never tried them before!

Couture Carrie said...

Hey G thanks for stopping by! I've been fairly well, and you?
I could use a fab bubble bath - great idea :)


Seeker said...

Oh yes, I think I need a bubble bath, I'm very stressed, I have no preparations, I... I....

I like coconut, vanilla, cinnamon, almonds.... but never tried yet the chocolate.
I don't like the flowers scense...

Well, my dear I hope everything will go for the best anad that we can do everything on time :)


Grayburn said...

Hi Lily, oh then you'll most definitely find something @ Lush if you prefer those scents. Would love to find out which one you'll pick up!

x Grayburn

Grayburn said...

Hey Couture Carrie, so good to hear from you! I'm as you can see, a little worried about x'mas coming so quickly! But things are starting to fall into place and getting better. How is your x'mas looking?

x Grayburn

Grayburn said...

Hey Seeker, I so wish you can try out something from Lush. They have coconut, almonds etc. :) Get something for youself, these things are great for stress and taking time out for yourself or share :)

x Grayburn

shopinchic said...

I like lavendar and other floral scents, but virtually any will do! I love anything with fragrance.

Make Do Style said...

I just realised I only shower - I haven't had a bath in years, gosh that seems strange now!

Grayburn said...

Hello Make Do Style, a bath in the winter is perfect to chase away the chills :)

take care,

Viki said...

While I don't take baths often (I just don't have the time), I tend to hoard different kinds of bathing products all because they smell and look so enticing and wait for a time when I can finally use them. :)

I usually alternate between LUSH's Creamy Candy Bar and Alverde bath salts (I have one now with strawberries and figs, it's absolutely delicious).

I saw LUSH has a solid perfume version of the Comforter too, I even smelled it, but ended up buying Let Them Eat Cake in the end. I know it's a lip balm, but while it tastes awful and is too thin for my liking, it makes a perfect cake-scented cream-perfume in my opinion.

xoxo Izar