1. 2. 3. Christmas Wish List item No. 1 - Kanebo Kate Mascara base | Grayburn 4. 5.


Christmas Wish List item No. 1 - Kanebo Kate Mascara base

Going back to Japanese makeup brands, another makeup giant Kanebo has apparently created a wonderful mascara base to be used to add a bit of za-za-zing to your lashes. These bases are designed to be applied before your usual mascara. You all already know that I love my Imju Fibrewig (or Dejavu).

This was the first item on my LIST so I have already ordered it. It is on its way in the mail coming directly from Japan! This will give me that extra something for the parties in the holiday season.

Stay-tuned for the post on the results!

Read about Imju (Dejavu) Fibrewig mascara

This is not a picture of the mascara base! Photo cred: http://www.flickr.com/photos/15215680@N05/1597100670/ by zeyafeng

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