1. 2. 3. Off topic: Toys for the kids - where to start the search? | Grayburn 4. 5.


Off topic: Toys for the kids - where to start the search?

It seems that the scare with regards to toys made in China has sparked off another trend among worried parents. Around this time, even those of us who don't have kids have to worry about this too since some of us have to purchase gifts for our nieces and nephews etc etc. And what do kids usually want - toys!

If you don't know where to search, you can start your search by going to Buy toys made in the USA at drugstore.com.

p.s. wouldn't all those colors be so much fun to play with as lippies and shadows?

What to buy for your man part un

photo cred: http://www.flickr.com/photos/7221743@N08/1248395233/ by skybluecrayons

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